Paramount Universal Pvt. Ltd.

Best Dining Etiquette Rules to Know

Regardless of where you are eating, proper etiquette at the table is important. Even when it’s just you and your family having a meal together, you still want to set an example for your kids.
Napkin Etiquette

Typically, you want to put your napkin on your lap (folded in half with the fold towards your waist) soon after sitting down at the table but follow your host’s lead.
The napkin should remain on your lap throughout the entire meal. Place your napkin on your chair or to the left of your plate if you leave the table as a signal to the server that you will be returning.
When the host places their napkin on the table, this signifies the end of the meal. You should then place your napkin on the table as well.

Handling Utensils

How do you hold a fork?
The continental style prevails at all meals, formal and informal because it is a natural, non-disruptive way to eat.
• Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward.
• Hold your knife in your right hand, an inch or two above the plate.
• Extend your index finger along the top of the blade.
• Use your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.

When to Start Eating

At a small table of only two to four people, wait until everyone else has been served before starting to eat. At a formal or business meal, you should either wait until everyone is served to start or begin when the host asks you to.

Never say you are going to the restroom

If you have to leave to use the restroom, excuse yourself. But do not say why!

Leave one bite on your plate

This shows that you enjoyed the meal, but you weren’t so famished that you cleaned the whole plate, which could indicate that you are still hungry or that there wasn’t enough food.

When You Have Finished

• When you are finished, leave your plates in the same position; do not push your plates aside or stack them.
• Lay your fork and knife diagonally across the plate, side by side, pointing at 10:00 and 4:00 on a clock face. This signifies to the wait staff that you have finished.
• Always remember to thank your host.

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